Sunday 31 May 2009

My goodness an award!

Well I never, I was just reading through yesterday's comments and lo and behold my little blog has been given an award!

Courtney of has given my blog an award.  She says:  'You've been awarded the Lovely Blog Award because I love that you take the time to discover and feature items from Etsy. Your posts are also engaging! Congratulations! :)' 
Many thanks Courtney, this is a very special thing for you to do for me and gives me a lot of encouragement with my new venture.

I now have the responsibility of giving this award to some other blogs but as I'm very new to the world of blogging I think I will need to take a bit of time selecting some very lovely blogs and I'll keep you all updated as to when I choose them.

I will start off by passing the award onto:

Kind Over Matter because Amanda and Gen's blog always makes me smile.  I especially like the hearts in the woods photograph they posted yesterday.

Creative With Clay because Charan has created a well written and presented blog that not only provides readers with an insight into his creative process but promotes other artists and contains useful articles such as yesterday's post on space saving.


  1. Welcome to blogging!! It is addicting.

  2. Thank you very much Audrey. You've got some great blogs there.


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